Some communities are still having Halloween, so it is again time for my Halloween safety column.
The National Safety Council, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and Prevent Blindness Ohio all issue cautions at Halloween. Make sure all costume materials are fire-retardant. Make sure costumes are not too long and a danger for tripping. Tripping can result in a fall, the top cause of unintentional injuries on Halloween.
Check to see if the costume is too large or loose. A costume that can twist around the body can also lead to tripping. Consider face painting, not masks. Masks obscure vision and may lead to a fall.
However, a warning, make sure the face paint/makeup you buy is labeled with one of the following: “Made with U.S. approved color additives”; “Laboratory tested”; “Meets federal standards for cosmetics”; or “Non-Toxic.”
Face makeup without these labels are often made in countries without quality/safety controls and may not be safe. With approved make-up be sure to follow manufacturer’s application instructions, especially with application around the eyes.
Also, NEVER allow your child to wear “costume” contact lenses. If not a prescription fit these can cause infection or injury. If your child absolutely has to have a mask, make sure that the eyeholes are in the proper place with adequate ventilation. If a wig is part of their costume, make sure it is fire-retardant or at least flame-resistant.
Accessories — knives, swords, etc. — should be made of soft, flexible material. Never allow children to carry or wear anything that is a sharp object. Be aware that home-made costumes cut down from adult clothing may be a hazard because materials may not be fire-retardant or flame-resistant.
If your child’s costume is made from scratch be sure to check the end of the fabric bolt for a fire-retardant or flame-resistant label. For children going out after dark, consider light colored outfits or have reflective tape. Glow sticks held in the hand or handle of the treat bag are a good idea, or a flashlight.
Have an adult or responsible older child supervising the treat trip. Young children should be accompanied by an adult. Discuss ahead of time the route and houses that the children will be visiting. For homes that don’t participate in Halloween, make sure your child knows to respect the household and not knock or ring their bell.
For older children, without parental supervision, establish a time to be home. Instruct children to travel only on public roads and sidewalks, not to use alleys or cut through yards. Tell the children to only enter well-lit areas; never enter a stranger’s home; and travel in a group.
Have your child’s name, address and telephone number pinned into the inside of their costume. In case of an incident you will be able to be notified. All treats should be brought home for parental inspection before being eaten. Wash all fruit and cut into small pieces before eating.
If anything looks unusual in any way, throw it away. Parental vigilance is a necessity in this area.
A caution to motorist, the major hazards at Halloween besides falls is pedestrian/car crashes. Children will be walking in the roadways and medians. Drivers should drive with care, and enter and exit roads, driveways and alleys with extraordinary care.
Finally, consider taking your child to a community sponsored trick or treat or trunk or treat party. They will have the trick or treat experience, but under a controlled setting.
Bev Theil is a child advocate in Wayne and Holmes counties. She can be contacted at BeverlyVT@aol.com.
The Link LonkOctober 24, 2020 at 05:19PM
Happy Halloween, but don't forget safety measures - Wooster Daily Record
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