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Monday, October 19, 2020

Working Remotely: Don’t Forget Boundaries - Forbes

“Mary Ann” is one of those quintessential island songs that you may remember from a past Caribbean holiday. Even if you don’t recognize the title, you’re probably familiar with some variation of the chorus: “All day, all night … Mary Ann; Down by the seaside … sifting sand.”

According to my research the song was composed by Rafael de Leon, a World War II-era calypso singer from Trinidad, who performed professionally using the stage name Roaring Lion. The song has been recorded by a slew of performers including, in 1957, “The Hilltoppers” and “Terry Gilkyson and the Easy Riders.” Both of the 1957 recordings were Billboard Top 10 hits, with the Gilkyson-Easy Riders record climbing to #1 in my native Australia.

If you’re wondering what this has to do with working remotely, the answer is: Everything.

The Roaring Lion ditty claims that Mary Ann, aka “Marion” (in a scene in Ian Fleming’s James Bond novel, “Dr. No”) and “Marianne” (in most versions of the song after the original), was busy all day and all night. And that, metaphorically, is the trap in which many of today’s home-bound workers find themselves: They feel compelled to be on the clock even before they “clock in” and after they “clock out.” They feel obliged to think about work, check their email, scan their phones for text messages, and in some cases bang away at their keyboards at all hours of the day and night, with little respite and no clear boundaries.

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This all-day, all-night obsession is wrong and unhealthy and companies need to discourage it for the sake of their employees’ physical and mental well-being, to avert burnout and sleep deprivation, to prevent marriages and relationships from cracking up, and for a host of other reasons, both practical and moral.

We’re now 10 months into the coronavirus pandemic and one of the most extraordinary aspects of it all, from a business management perspective, is the relative speed, ease and efficiency with which tens of millions of workers transitioned from their communal workplaces to working from home. Give more than a little credit, of course, to the HR and technology professionals who supported the effort. But even more credit is due to all of the individuals—you, me and everyone else—who, without warning or on very short notice, were forced to turn their personal and professional lives upside down so they could continue doing their jobs, and help keep their companies going, while the company doors were locked.

The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research reported in late June that “an incredible 42%” of the U.S. labor force was then working full time from home, far more than were working at their business premises.

The percentage has changed since then, and will continue to change as offices and businesses reopen or, possibly, reclose. But so many employees and employers have expressed satisfaction with remote and “hybrid” work that such arrangements—in some fashion—are expected to become the norm for large numbers of employees even after Covid-19 vaccines and therapeutics are widely available and most workplaces reopen. Covid will subside, but remote work will subsist.

Earlier this year, at about the same time the Stanford study was being undertaken, several of my colleagues conducted an extensive survey to see how “the world’s biggest-ever workplace experiment”—the shift to remote work—was going. The survey involved 12,000 professionals (analysts, engineers, HR personnel, teachers and others) in the United States, Germany and India.

The survey team “expected to see a decline in employee productivity,” according to their report, “What 12,000 Employees Have to Say About the Future of Remote Work.”

Instead of the expected decline, “a surprisingly large number” of respondents said they were able to maintain or increase their pre-Covid productivity levels without increasing the number of hours worked. This was especially true on individual tasks, such as writing, analyzing data, and administrative chores, where some three-quarters of all respondents reported little change or increases in productivity. On collaborative tasks the percentage was considerably lower: with just over half the respondents saying they were able to maintain or increase previous levels of productivity.

Productivity is one thing, satisfaction another. And that’s one of the biggest takeaways from the survey team’s findings: six out of ten respondents indicated that the kind of flexibility they’ve enjoyed while working remotely is something they want to continue after the health crisis ends.

The breakdown was interesting: 40% indicated they wanted flexibility in both “when and where” they work; 12% were mostly concerned with “when”; 8% wanted flexibility where they work.

It’s certainly premature to write an obituary for the communal office and traditional 9-to-5 (or some variation thereof) workday. Many people like the more-or-less predictable hours, the reliable routine, getting away from home for the day, and being around individuals with similar professional interests with whom they can consult, collaborate, interact and enjoy an after-hours drink on occasion.   

By the same token, remote work has opened up a range of new options for others—including senior level professionals and executives—and many are telling us they don’t want to go back to the old ways.

So it’s up to employers to help establish some boundaries, both outside the normal workday and within the normal workday, so employees don’t feel pressured, or even tempted, to consider “all day, all night” the new norm.

This requires a two-pronged effort, changing the way we work and reforming company culture.

Consider meetings. If managers set up meetings (virtual or otherwise) or conference calls at times that fall outside the established boundaries, or send emails or “Slack” messages at odd hours, expecting real-time replies, they send the wrong signal. The boundaries become meaningless.

I’ve been guilty myself: sending emails on a Saturday morning in an effort to get caught up after a business trip or an especially busy week. And, to my present-day embarrassment, I remember a member of my team quickly responding and the two of us working away on something [probably non-urgent] when we should have been decompressing from the busy week. I later learned that members of my team even took their phones with them when they ran their weekend errands and attended to family matters, such as their kids’ soccer games, because they assumed Saturday mornings were just another workday to me. I understand now how wrong that was.

In terms of culture, look especially at your organization’s rewards system. If you keep on honoring and promoting those who put in the longest hours—those for whom even a seven-day workweek wouldn’t seem enough—you’ll get more such people. And over time you’ll lose some of your highest performers who have fulfilling lives outside “the job” and could not, or would not, make this unnecessary sacrifice.

By the same token, some self-discipline also is called for. When the Covid lockdown forced me to lie low for several weeks I put my smartphone aside for an antediluvian flip phone. So, okay, I could still get text messages; but there was no temptation to read or respond to email, because there wasn’t any.

Funny how quickly the urgency dissipates when you power down at a reasonable time each evening, leaving the workplace behind, even if the workplace is your dining room table.

SlackWelcome to your new HQ The Link Lonk

October 19, 2020 at 06:20PM

Working Remotely: Don’t Forget Boundaries - Forbes

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