The new year is here! If decluttering and getting organized is on your list of things to do, you’re not alone. It’s on the resolution list for most people. With many of us still working from home, the clutter is hard to ignore. There are a few things that many people forget to declutter. If the items below are a clutter problem for you, move them to the top of your list and tackle them one at a time.
1. Candles. Those that know me well will not believe this item is on the list. I love candles. If you’re like me, changing candles for every season is a way of life. However, it’s very easy to accumulate too many. Go through every candle you have, pick out the ones that have only a small amount of burn time left, and burn those candles this month. It’s a nice way to remember your favorite scents from different seasons (anything beach and pumpkin are my favorites, what are yours?) While you’re taking the time to go through your candles, doesn’t it make sense to now organize them by scent or season?
2. Jewelry box. Organizing the closet is always on the list, but we may forget our jewelry box or anywhere else you may store your jewelry, such as an armoire. Go through each piece of jewelry and be honest with yourself. Are you ever going to wear that piece again? If not, consider offering those items you don’t want to family or friends that will use them. Consigning is a great option or list your items on websites like Poshmark or Mercari to make some cash. This is a great benefit of decluttering.
3. Books. This is a hard one for many of us, including me. The rule of thumb with books is, if you’ll never read or reference the book again, it should go. Go does not mean discarding them unless they’re in bad shape or are moldy. Share your books with family and friends, donate them to a local library or sell/consign them. One person’s trash can always be another person’s treasure is especially true with books.
4. Records, cassettes, 8 track tapes & DVDs. If you have these items in your home but don’t have a way to enjoy them, they are clutter. If these items have sentimental value, taking a photo of the items or getting them digitized, is a great way of being able to use and enjoy them again. Playing old vinyl records is coming back, so it’s fairly easy now to purchase a record player. If you are looking to get rid of these items, there is a market for them. Some collectors will pay good money for these items. Facebook garage or eBay is an easy and great way to let them go and make some cash.
The key with decluttering is to start small, 15 minutes a day and build from there. The hardest part is getting started. So, do something today. Tackle the area or items that are causing you the most stress. Good luck.
Look for more tips from Deb in the Observer-Dispatch every Sunday and on her websites decluttercoachdeb.com and dceffconsult.com. You can follow her on social media and watch her TV show Organization Motivation! organizationmotivation.com.
The Link LonkJanuary 10, 2021 at 08:00PM
Things we forget to declutter - Utica Observer Dispatch
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